
Parents & Students

Our school is a beautiful community made up of families who have chosen a similar educational path for their children. One way we build this strong sense of community is to ask every family to offer their support as volunteers. IC strives to remain as affordable as possible; we help keep costs down by asking parents to give of their time and talent. We know every family's situation is unique and that people have different amounts of time to offer. There are many needs within the School, and there are many different ways each family can help.

By committing to the IC family, you help the school continue to flourish. There are several ways to help the IC, from volunteering during the school day, to serving on the Development Team, which is responsible for the school's fundraising, and participation in the PTO. We ask that you consider getting involved in as many ways as possible. Some roles are major and take significant commitments of time. However, the more parents who can make a commitment to help, the easier it is for everyone.

Here are some of the many ways parents can get involved: 

Room Parent: Two parents serve as liaison between the teacher and fellow parents for that grade. There is a Head Room Parent, who will serve as the liaison between all Room Parents and the Principal. All communications between Room Parents and fellow grade parents will be approved and coordinated by the Head Room Parent. The role of a Room Parent varies depending on the grade of the student, but typical needs include supporting the teacher in the classroom (younger grades), helping with hospitality during social events (e.g., graduation parties for 8th grade, K and Pre-K), hosting the Teacher Appreciation Luncheon (one per year), organizing special projects such as class projects for the auction/gala, promoting volunteer support for PTO and Development, and chaperoning outings. 


If you have the desire to work in grant writing and fundraising positions, please contact Joan Sullivan.

North Pole Express:

The North Pole Express is typically the School's largest fundraiser. On the day of the event 4000 passengers will experience five train rides. The event is open to the public and therefore needs to be managed extremely professionally. Needs includes organizing the five rides, as well as the North Pole Village platform activities.

Other Activities:

  • Annual Auction-A major school fundraiser and required many talented hands

  • Managing the Grandparent VIP Special Person Luncheon

  • Cultivating alumni

  • Hospitality

PTO Needs:

PTO has several events and enrichment programs during the school year. The PTO needs volunteers for everything from chairing an event to baking goodies.

All volunteers working with children need to fill out a CORI form, as well as complete VIRTUS training. This 2-2.5 hour training is offered through Immaculate Conception Parish.

Not only are there a number of school activities parents can attend, but families are also encouraged and welcome to attend the IC's monthly liturgies. Each class, 1st to 8th grade, takes a turn helping to prepare and participate in these liturgies. The dates of each liturgy are scheduled at the beginning of the school year, and are published in the online calendar.

The IC hosts several events that occur each year. The North Pole Express is the largest event. Among some of our other events are a Family Cookout, Halloween Party, Christmas Concert, Grandparent/Special Person luncheon, Spring Science Fair, and Spring Fine Arts Night.

Parents show appreciation to the teachers in several ways throughout the school year:

  • Teacher Appreciation Luncheons

  • Once a month, a different class (K-8th) prepares a "Teacher Appreciation Luncheon." The Room Parents for that grade organize this event.

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